
To develop policy recommendations and practical tools from a global business perspective on corporate responsibility and fighting corruption.


Priority Projects 

  • Promote widespread usage of the revised ICC Rules on Combatting Corruption – including through the development of an updated ICC Anti-Corruption Clause
  • Deliver and promote the first-ever industry framework to support responsible engagement with “sensitive” markets.
  • Develop an “Integrity Advocacy Toolkit” to support and enable engagement to combat corruption by companies and local business networks.
  • Provide a platform to enable peer exchange on best practices and facilitate constructive engagement with policy makers on business and human rights.


Swiss Delegates

  • Rob Cameron, Nestlé SA 
  • Marc Henzelin, Lalive
  • Rauno Hoffmann, Novartis International AG 
  • Othmar Koch, Schindler Holding Ltd 
  • Lara Kopp, Zurich Insurance Company Ltd
  • Jean-Pierre Méan, Avocat 
  • Helen Medina, Nestlé SA
  • Caroline Portmann, Credit Suisse
  • Yann Wyss, Nestlé SA


Further Information