For you.
The World Chamber Federation
ICC World Chambers Federation (WCF) is the backbone of the global chamber network leading, connecting and inspiring chambers to benefit real economies and communities, every day, everywhere.
The WCF is non-political and non-governmental. It represents and promotes the collective interests and the collaboration of chambers of commerce, including local, regional, national, and bilateral chambers of commerce that are members of ICC, as well as transnational chambers of commerce that are partners of ICC. Chambers of commerce include chambers of industry, agriculture, and mining, among others.
ICC Switzerland provides chambers of commerce in Switzerland access to WCF. To be member of WCF, a chamber must be member of ICC Switzerland.
Our chambers of commerce members are:
- Aargauische Industrie- und Handelskammer
- Berner Handelskammer
- Camera di commercio Ticino
- Chambre de commerce de Fribourg
- Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie du Jura
- Chambre de Commerce Suisse en France
- Chambre de Commerce, d'Industrie et des Services de Genève
- Chambre Neuchâteloise du Commerce et de l'Industrie
- Chambre Valaisanne du Commerce et de l'Industrie
- Chambre Vaudoise du Commerce et de l'Industrie
- Handelskammer beider Basel
- HAW Winterthur
- Industrie- und Handelskammer Thurgau
- Solothurner Handelskammer
- Zürcher Handelskammer