For you.
ICC Case Connect and the latest developments in sanction cases
These were the topics of our latest seminar on arbitration practice which took place yesterday in Zurich.
Study visit from the Office of the Judiciary of Thailand
Today, ICC Switzerland had the pleasure of receiving a delegation of around 30 judges from Thailand, who visited Zurich as part of a study tour to Switzerland and Austria.
Fifth session of the UN Environment Assembly
End plastic pollution
ICC applauded the landmark decision at the resumed fifth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA5.2) to develop an international legally binding instrument (ILBI) to end plastic pollution.
New leadership of the ICC Swiss Commission on Arbitration and ADR as of 20 February 2023
Urs Weber-Stecher will resign as President of the ICC Swiss Commission of Arbitration and ADR as of 20 February 2023. Following the proposal of the Swiss Arbitration Nomination Committee, the Board of ICC Switzerland has elected Simon Gabriel as his successor.
WCF 2023-2025 General Council
Vincent Subilia re-elected member of the General Council
ICC Chamber members from more than 100 countries were called to vote last November and elect their twenty preferred chamber leaders from forty-six candidates, to serve on the WCF General Council 2023-2025. The World Chambers Federation (WCF) of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has announced the results of elections for its General Council. Vincent Subilia, Director general of the Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services, has been re-elected.